Going with the flow

Rod at podium Med

There are times when things happen in your life that you simply have to go with the flow.  Sometimes it's easy and sometimes its more difficult than it sounds.

In this particular instance, the flow has been exceptionally and surprisingly good.  Several months ago, last fall in fact, I received a call from member of the MarketMix 2011 orgainizing committee inviting me to be a keynote speaker at this years Marketing Madness event on March 9th.  I was very flattered and said I would be honored to be part of the agenda.

More recently, Hakan Soderbom contacted me about an a potential interview that could be used to generate interest in the same event.  Of course I said I would find the time. I was just going with the flow and I enjoyed our conversation very much. The hour we set aside went by quickly - exchanging stories and discussing career highlights, networking and advice for people in transition.

Hakam wrote to me early this week and said that the story was becoming a three part series. Who knew that there would be that much to share. I'm lookking forward to spending the day at MarketMix and hope to see and meet many of you while I'm there.

Who knows, if we all go with flow we just see an edge or share one with someone elese.

Here's the three part series:  Hakan did an excellent job making sense of our conversation. 

I'm grateful for the opportunity to present at MarketMix.