Yr 2, Wk 9 - 11/22/12
Too much of a good time can make you sick!
The wild ride of a schedule I was on in week eight ultimately caught up with me in week nine. Two days of sub-freezing weather and partying during Dad's Weekend in Pullman; an afternoon of cheering at the top of my lungs at the Seahawk game; and then a late night flight and three days of breathing smoky conference center air in Las Vegas, I came home the crud. I've still got it. But I'm on the mend and feel better than I have in a week.
I don't think I had anything exotic. Just an over-the-top-saps-all-your-strenght-keeps-you-sneezing-coughing-and-hacking-like-a-sick-dog head cold. It got hold of me and wouldn't let go. It was that time of year again. The time when I get reaquainted with my good friend Vick(s). I stayed home from work for two days with Vicks DayQuil, Vicks NyQuil, Vicks Cough Syrup, and Vicks VaporRub. Vick(s) seems to be showing up on a more regular basis these days.
I haven't checked the value of Vick's corporate stock lately (P&G), but from the looks of what was disappearing from the drug store shelves, I'm guessing that they are going to have a pretty good forth quarter.
Say a little prayer that I get back to 100% in the next week or so. I can't stand being sick and it took me out of my routine of daily walks. It's time to send Vick(s) on his way! The only good news is that the meds I was taking wiped out my taste buds and the cold wiped out my appetite. I lost 2.6 pounds this week.
Oh... And today (weigh-in day) is also Thanksgiving. That might just wipe out the good news! Come back next week and find out!
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New weight as of November 22nd - 255.8 lbs
Weight lost to date - 69.2 lbs
Weekly exercise: Nothing - I've got nothing for ya!
Weekly exercise: Nothing - I've got nothing for ya!
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