Week 38 - 05/24/12
Staying Motivated
I was at a bit of a loss for a topic or theme to write about this week.There's nothing especially new or insightful to share - just the usual. A small weight loss from the prior week. The monthly picture. Same old stuff.
I was feeling like I needed some extra motivation. And I found it. When I least expected it and when I needed it most, I discovered a poem titled "Motivation for Weight Loss." Sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see the edge. Here's the poem.
Author unknown.
M-make short term goal
O-out with the negative thoughts
T-think of why you want it
I-imagine how you will feel
V-visualize the future you
A-acknowledge your successes
T-treat yourself with respect
I-investigate new ideas and foods
O-observe your healthy lifestyle
N-never give up and never give in
New weight as of May 24th - 263.2 lbs
Weight lost to date - 61.8 lbs
Weekly exercise: 270 minutes of brisk walking. Your comments, suggestions, and stories of your personal edge are always welcome in my guest book.