Week 30 - 03/29/12
Enthusiasm for Exercise
You've probably figured out by now that the exercise part of a health and fitness plan is not where I get my edge.
Truth be told, exercise always reminds me of work and I'm not really a big fan of working. I've told people for years that if you can't "go to fun" (not to work) and earn a living, you need to look for another role. I've heard people talk about getting a good "work out" at the gym. But I've never heard them called "fun out" sessions.
So what does a person do that isn't really into exercise and knows that it's critical to their long term success? You look beyond the obvious and motivate yourself in a way that keeps things interesting. On my prior weight loss journeys I've entered into competitions, planned rewards for myself, and charted my progress and improvement. They all worked for awhile, but eventually they all faded and laziness returned.
Then this morning I thought of something new. I've recently discovered the HBO television sitcom "Curb Your Enthusiasm." I LOVE IT!. Somehow, I missed the first eight seasons so there is a big inventory for me to catch up on too. And that's when I came to the answer. I'll make a deal with myself that the only time I can watch an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm (CYE) is when I'm on my elliptical trainer. It's a great trade and the time goes by much faster. Enthusiasm for exercise. Now that could be a real funout.
NOTE: This morning I spent 55 minutes on the elliptical while watching two episodes of CYE. I covered more than 7500 steps and burned 712 calories. Made me smile a lot too!
New weight as of March 29th - 265.0 lbs
Weight lost to date - 60.0 lbs
Weekly exercise: Just one attempt. 35 minutes on the elliptical... Thus my new approach.