Another Recommitment

Dec26_14Hello out there. If you've been following along with my "Healthy Edge" journey, you know that there hasn't been anything to follow for a long, long time. Somehow, life got busy and I got a little fatigued with my own writing. There were too many weeks of little or no progress and it was getting harder and harder to find ways to share the story. 

As a reminder, the whole thing started in September of 2011. I found myself in the worst shape of my life weighing 325 pounds and wondering if I'd be able to turn the situation around. Over the course of 18 months, with a lot of effort, will-power, and support, I was able to drop about 70 pounds. And that's when things began to bottom out. I seemed to be stuck in a rut with little hope of getting out.
It wasn't long before I found myself writing less but walking more. I'd found a form of exercise that I could live with!  During the spring and summer, I committed to myself that I would complete 100 consecutive days of exercise walks. To help hold myself accountable, I shared a "walking selfie" while on my Facebook wall each day. Unfortunately, those pictures wore my best friend out and she wasn't even the one walking!
As is often the case, life can intervene in ways that aren't expected. Somehow, as the days grew shorter and colder, my focus shifted. I was encouraged to stop taking pictures of myself and stopping turned out to have negative impact on my discipline. Before I knew it, I was tipping the scale close to that ugly number - 300 - again.

fitbitSo here I am. Ready to make another run at self-improvement and personal fitness. I've learned a lot about what it takes for me to stay motivated and focused. I have a new tool - a Fitbit Force - that will help me record my progress. My goals and reasons for success are growing in numbers every year. I now have seven grandchildren that I want to be around long enough for them to know and remember.

Even though I dislike the failure rate for New Year's resolutions, it just happens to be the time of year where I find myself. So here we go again. I resolve to making the effort required to develop a healthy edge. If you'd like to follow along, I'll begin sharing my journey again next week. With your encouragement and my recommitment, I think I'lm going to get there this time. Here I go!

Your comments, suggestions, and stories of your personal edge are always welcome in my guest book. (To be honest, knowing your watching and sharing your feedback and encouragement makes a real difference. Thanks!)

Another Recommitment