Interns - Setting Yourself Apart

Laura PflugPaying it forward and watching them run with what you give them!

I have the privilege of working in a company that believes in giving back. One way that we do that is with our college intern program. As many as twelve students who are about to enter their senior year will experience a slice of the real world in their chosen areas of study and interest. So far, I've had the chance to spend time mentoring four of them.

One of things I especially enjoy is seeing an intern take what is being given to them in the form of advice and counsel, and watching them make it their own. It's rewarding on many levels to watch them take new risks, gain new experiences, and see things through a new set of lenses. I like to think that they are discovering how to think differently and see the edge.

Intern That One

One of our interns, Laura, has chosen to pursue a career as a communication professional. Even though her internship is in an area of the company that uses her skills a little differently, she's been developing her writing and social engagement skills along the way. I'd love to share her blog with you. It's called That One Intern - presumably because she wants to be the intern that get's remembered. Time will tell! I think she's off to a great start.

The story I'm directing you to is one in which Laura looks beyond the obvious and discovers an important edge about life - a lesson we can all benefit from. Enjoy!

Meet Laura Ann Pflug:

I asked Laura five questions about herself. These were her responses.

Hometown - I was born in the little town of Hobart,WA -- but most people are more familiar with nearby Maple Valley (which I did later move to).

Hobbies: I guess my biggest hobby is running. In fact, I'm currently training for a marathon! I also like hiking, painting and wake-boarding.

University: I go to Gonzaga University and am majoring in communications, with a minor in psychology. 

Favorite Quote: My favorite quote is that which headlines my blog: "Live in such a way that if others were to speak badly of you, no one would believe it." - Unknown

Role Model: My role model is a guy by the name of Steve Bodwell. He was the youth pastor at my church while I was growing up. Steve was voted "man of the year" a few years ago in Maple Valley. He taught me the importance of serving others for the benefit of the community, not just for the self.

Find out more about Laura by visiting and/or connecting with her via Linked In: Laura Pflug's on LinkedIn

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The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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