Crimson and Gray
Being a Cougar provides an edge of lifetime value!
Yes my friends, being a Washington State University Cougar is something that lasts a lifetime. It's an edge that every Cougar alum knows about - benefits from - and loves. I can't begin to count the times that a warm and uplifting "Go Cougs!" has been shared between men and women of different generations, different nationalities, different political affiliations, and different religions simply because one person sees the other wearing "the logo" on a hat, jacket or shirt. It happens when you least expect it. For me, most recently, it happened in a 747 at 30,000 feet during a quick hello with the couple who shared my row.
It's something that belongs to us and that no one else can have. It's Crimson Pride. And it's baked into our very core.
I've been very fortunate that I have found ways to get back on campus with more frequency during the past few years. A role on the College of Educations Advocacy Board allows me to interact with the Dean, faculty, staff, and students. I've had the opportunity to serve as a guest lecturer in the College of Business, and most importantly, I took two future Cougs on a campus visit that helped our twin girls make their decision to become Cougs next fall.
Not long ago I was thinking about my life as a Coug and I wrote down a random list of memories - the things that Coug's know and enable us to see and apply our edge. I thought I'd share my list for those who are interested.
If you would like to add to the list, you are welcome to leave a note in the guestbook.
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