An edgy lesson, retold

An active network And A story can come together in ways that help others.

ProLango Paul Medium
I can't begin to count the number of times that I've talked with people about the power of the network and the importance of building and nurturing relationships. The reality of that belief and the way networks return what is put into them never ceases to surprise and delight me.

About a year ago I made a new acquaintance named Paul Anderson. I don't recall whether our paths first crossed on Twitter, Facebook or Linked In and it's actually not all that important. What I do remember, and what is important, is that our first connection was one that we made online. We connected because Paul had something of mutual interest that he said he would like to talk to me about.

That simple step moved our connection from online to offline. We agreed to meet and have had the chance to continue our conversations on a number of additional occasions. 

Paul contacted me last month and invited me to speak at a ProLango Career Mixer that will be held in Seattle on Tuesday, October 18th. He said that stories I had shared with him at our initial meeting were the type that others would benefit from hearing. You see, it turns out that Paul knows a lot about helping people who are in transition to grow and develop their careers. Paul is The Seattle Times and ABC’s KOMO 4 News career columnist, TV Co-Host of weekly show “How to Get a Job in Seattle,” and nationally recognized speaker on career transformation. 

Paul’s empowering advice and career strategies have appeared in such media outlets asThe Wall Street JournalUS News & World ReportBusiness WeekUSA TodayThe Seattle Times, and seen on the ABC, FOX, and NBC networks.

And to think, I would never have met Paul if I hadn't opened myself to the power of the network and the enriching opportunities that it can create. It's not enough to sign up. Your network is only as powerful as the energy you put into it.

NWJobs med

Paul featured one of the stories I shared with him in his Seattle Times column this morning. Ironically, it's the same story this blog was named for. 
The story of the edge, retold. 

Your comments, suggestions, and stories of your personal edge are always welcome in my guest book.

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  • Rod Brooks
    Oct. 19, 2011
    Craig - Thanks for stopping by my blog and for introducing yourself to me last night. I'm glad to hear that something in my message helped you to consider your "why" and use your skills as a "merchant" to see beyond the obvious. I look forward to hearing more about your personal journey.

    All the best!
  • Craig Kunard
    Oct. 19, 2011
    What an epiphany! This morning I found myself mentally preparing my first meet and greet talk for a group of 20 managers who will report to me as a District Manager. I don't have the official DM position yet, I haven't had my official interview or job offer yet, I haven't started my first day as a branch manager yet. I am seeing the edge as you described it in your talk last night.

    Meeting you was a pleasure, personally speaking with you was a great priviledge, hearing you speak and applying your lessons has already rocked my world. I finally recognize how to describe who I am and what I do. I am a terminally cursed merchant, it's what I do.

    Thanks so very much. I am looking forward to establishing and maintaining a long term personal connection with you.

  • Rod Brooks
    Oct. 17, 2011
    Thanks for commenting Janet. I definitely agree with you that if you spend a lifetime going to work you need to make some changes. Go to fun! Follow your passion. Do what you love!
  • Janet
    Oct. 17, 2011
    This is a great tribute to the power of human connection, anyone can do a job but when you do something you love with people you admire the job becomes so much more than the time you spend at work ir becomes something bigger than you or the job. People want to work for a common purpose and to know how their contribution makes the world a better place. Networking allows us to look for the place we can make a difference and the people who we want to work with and for such an insightful story.

The Fine Print

Rod Brooks (that's me) is VP & CMO of PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company and serves as Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).  It's important to disclose both of those relationships and to be clear that this is my personal blog where I share thoughts and opinions that are solely my own.  Contact me!

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